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  Oneman shows

2021 Comission Work
2020 Comission Work
2019 Dubai: Contemporary Art Show
2018 Dubai: Contemporary Art Show
2017 Dubai: Contemporary Art Show
2016 Dubai: Contemporary Art Show
2015 Dubai: Contemporary Art Show
2014 Galeria Casa Diana - A "Tribute to Deborah Turbeville" the great photographer!
2013 Commissions Portraits & Sculptures - Europe, United States & Mexico.
2012 Dubai: Contemporary Art "Private Collection."
2011 Dubai: Portraits, Sculptures, Contemporary Art "Special Orders."
2010 Galeria Florencia Riestra - San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
2007 Galeria Florencia Riestra - Mexico City.
1999 Gallery Casa de Sierra Nevada - San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
1996 Muséo Histórico - San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
1995 Blaffer Fine Art Gallery, Houston Tx, usa.
1994 Galería Atenea - San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
1984 Cohan-Anderson Gallery, Clark University, Worscester, Ma usa.
1984 Amann Gallery - Worth ave. Palm Beach, Florida, usa.
1977 Exhibition "FESTIVAL OF THE TWO WORLDS" - Spoleto, Italy.
1976 Gallery Bijou - Johannesburg, South Africa.
1974 Exhibition at the Collectors Gallery - Johannesburg, South Africa.
1973 Exhibition at Bridge Club Roma, Rome, Italy.
1971 Galleria LA GIADA, Rome, Italy.
  Collective Shows and International Competitions

1995 El Chorro, Temporary Contemporary Gallery. Exhibit of Selected Artists,
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
1972 Exhibition of 30 chosen artists in Marina di Ravenna, Italy. Awarded First Prize.
1971 Sixth Exhibition - Cittá di Adria - Italy. Silver Medal.
1971 XIX Exhibition - National Art Competition in Marina di Ravenna, Italy. Awarded Gold Medal.
International competition Ferrara, Italy. Gold Medal over 400 entrants.
Inbetween shows from 1978 to 2021:
Commissioned portraits, sculptures, paintings and jewelry.